Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <> wrote:<br />
<br />
> Are you speaking abt the information displayed in (and under) the log ? <br />
> If so, use the Tools / Data entry / menu items.<br />
<br />
> If you're speaking abt the data displayed in the child windows F9, F10 <br />
> etc., use the contextual "Update information" menu for each of them.<br />
<br />
Larry, I have all that flags ("automatically") in main menu and in context menus setted.<br />
But I see actual information in "Check multiplier" window and excange field only after pressing space bar.<br />
"Check callsign" window and tips about callsign shows actual info after every new symbol input now%)<br />
<br />
73! Eugene RK1AA<br />
<br />