<p><br />Thank you Hans</p>
<p>Yes, I do have one! I will check that.</p>
<p>Sorry for the awful formatting of my last messege, I pasted the text into my webmail
and there was some problem.</p>
<p>Marcelo, PY1KN</p>
<p><br />> Hi Marcelo, <br />> Regarding the DX-Cluster problem. <br />> Do you
use a USB mobile phone internet modem? <br />> I know that there is an issue with
that specific combination. <br />> <br />> Hans - SMØIMJ <br />> <br
/>> On 6/3/09, marcelo@alternex.com.br <marcelo@alternex.com.br> wrote: <br
/>>> <br />>> <br />>> Hello <br />>> everyone <br />>>
<br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> Last <br
/>>> weekend WPX was my first contest with win-test. I’ve been wanting
to <br />>> give it a try <br />>> for a long time, so I decided to jump in
right in a big contest. <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br
/>>> <br />>> I was <br />>> impressed and very pleased with the
software, but had some issues that I´d <br />>> like to <br />>> share
and get some input from the community. <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br
/>>> <br />>> <br />>> First I could never get the DXCluster interface
<br />>> to work. The Telnet client connected, but I got the dreaded "Error
opening <br />>> UDP <br />>> socket #10013" message whenever I <br
/>>> tried to configure the loopback IP. From what I saw in the archives, this is
<br />>> probably <br />>> caused by some other piece of software.
I’ll investigate that. <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br
/>>> <br />>> <br />>> I found the outgoing <br />>> serial
numbers a bit crammed. Maybe it is just an impression, but I had an <br />>>
unusual high <br />>> number of repeat requests. Is there any parameter anywhere
(wintest, winkey) <br />>> to insert a <br />>> tiny fraction of a second
between each figure of the S/N? <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br
/>>> <br />>> <br />>> I also had <br />>> a small but annoying
delay between pressing the + key and the start of <br />>> transmission. <br
/>>> Maybe I need a faster computer, maybe it’s the time to process the
<br />>> $CORRECT. It is <br />>> really annoying in fast pile-ups. <br
/>>> <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br />>>
Apart from <br />>> these issues, I was very pleased with the software, and intend
to definitely <br />>> make the <br />>> switch. There some other small
things I need to get more used to, like the <br />>> overwrite <br />>> mode
when typing serial numbers, but that’s part of the learning <br />>>
curve. <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br
/>>> 73 and CU <br />>> in the contests <br />>> <br />>> <br
/>>> <br />>> Marcelo, <br />>> PY1KN <br />>> <br />>>
<br />>> <br />>> <br />> <br />> <br />> -- <br />> Hans
Johansson - SMØIMJ <br />> mailto:sm0imj@ssa.se <br />>
_______________________________________________ <br />> Support mailing list <br
/>> Support@win-test.com <br />>
http://www.f5mzn.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support <br />> <br /></p>