<p>Hi Ian, Franta</p>
<p>That´s how I do it here as well. Sometimes I get the call field messed up or
realize, during transmission that it didn´t sound as it should. During
the rest of the exchange I quickly fix the call and hit F5. This way the other side
knows I got it right after all and does not waste time correcting the call I got right
after all.</p>
<p>This happens maybe just a few times during the contest, and I really got used to do
it manually.</p>
<p>Marcelo, PY1KN<br /><br />> <br />> Hi Franta, <br />> <br />> OK, I see.
Unfortunately the macros are probably not processed in such a <br />> way that your
idea would work - I think (developers would have to <br />> confirm) that the symbols
such as $CORRECT are processed as soon as you <br />> hit the key - before the
message starts - and not dynamically during the <br />> message. <br />> <br
/>> Perhaps if you make a correction to the call during the exchange, you <br />>
could just remember to hit F5? Assuming you still have that programmed <br />> with
$LOGGEDCALL, that should accomplish what you desire... <br />> <br />> ~Iain /
N6ML <br />> <br />> <br />> <br />> Franta Bendl wrote: <br />>> Hi
Iain, <br />>> <br />>> yes I know the standard procedure - I made abt. 1500
QSOs last weekend ;-) <br />>> <br />>> I don't see a danger of
misunderstanding: <br />>> <br />>> CQ DJ0ZY DJ0ZY TEST <br />>> N6ML
<br />>> (typo: N6MK and I see (hear) it at the time of send and make correction
to <br />>> N6ML) <br />>> N6MK 5NN 1234 N6ML <br />>> 5NN 678 <br
/>>> TU DJ0ZY <br />>> <br />>> What do you mean could be the problem?
I heard such corrections last weekend <br />>> one or two times made manually and
I found it as good idea. And I had never <br />>> doubt to understand what the
station mean. So I am looking for possibility <br />>> how to realize it
automatically with Wintest. <br />>> <br />>> My idea is to have $CORRECT in
both "INS" and "+". So if I was enough fast the <br />>>
correction will be send after report and in the other case (I was too late) <br
/>>> than it will be send before "TU" as usual. <br />>> <br
/>>> 73 de Franta/DJ0ZY <br />>> <br />>> <br />>> <br
/>>> On Wednesday 03 June 2009 19:21:12 Iain MacDonnell - N6ML wrote: <br
/>>>> Franta Bendl wrote: <br />>>>> I mean it's good idea to send
the logged (correct) call again after <br />>>>> sending of the RST and
report in case it was corrected since then. It can <br />>>>> save time
spent by the other station repeating its call. <br />>>>> <br
/>>>>> E.g. DJ1ZY 599 123 DJ0ZY when I corrected the call during the sending
of <br />>>>> the RST and report. So I tried to set the INSERT string in
"Standard CW <br />>>>> messages" to <br />>>>> <br
/>>>>> $LOGGEDCALL $GUESSEXCH $F2 $CORRECT <br />>>>> <br
/>>>>> But it doesn't work properly. Wintest checks OK that the call was
changed <br />>>>> and sends it again but it doesn't send the new
(corrected) call but the <br />>>>> old one. Is it a bug as at this moment
an other call is sent than the one <br />>>>> in the call-field? Or is there
any other solution for this? <br />>>> I think you may be misunderstanding how
it works. The $CORRECT symbol <br />>>> will send the call if it has been
corrected since you sent the exchange. <br />>>> If you include it in your
exchange (INSERT) message, the other station <br />>>> wouldn't have been able
to correct your error yet! It's usually used in <br />>>> the 'TU' (PLUS)
message, to confirm the corrected call... <br />>>> <br />>>> CQ N6ML
N6ML TEST <br />>>> W1ABC <br />>>> W1ABC 5NN 001 <br />>>> R
5NN 003 <br />>>> TU N6ML <br />>>> K1XYZ <br />>>> N1XYZ 5NN
002 <br />>>> K1XYZ K1XYZ 5NN 001 <br />>>> K1XYZ TU N6ML <br
/>>>> ... <br />>>> <br />>>> <br />>>> So your
'PLUS' message might look like: <br />>>> <br />>>> $CORRECT ++TU--
$MYCALL $CR <br />>>> <br />>>> <br />>>> HTH, <br
/>>>> <br />>>> ~Iain / N6ML <br />>>> <br />>>>
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