This is an important reminder if you are planning to enter the CQ WW contest this weekend as either Multi-Single or as Multi-Two. There are certain commands you <i>must</i> enter before logging any QSOs, or else your Cabrillo file may not be scored correctly by the log checking software.<br>
<br>For Multi-Single, in the callsign field of the logging window, type<br><br> RUN [Enter] <br><br>to indicate which station is to be the active "run" station. Type<br><br> MULT [Enter]<br><br>to indicate which station is to be the active "mult' station. <br>
<br>Similarly, for Multi-Two, use the <br><br> RUN1 [Enter]<br><br>and<br><br> RUN2 [Enter]<br><br>commands. You can also use the menu Commands | Station Type, and you can make it "sticky" (per computer) so that the station type is remembered when you reopen the log.<br>
<br>Keep these settings up-to-date for the entire contest. You can press [Alt-Y] on any QSO line to toggle the "Stn" column from "R" to "M" or "R1" to "R2" to correct mistakes. The Status Windows [Alt-J] will indicate the current station type R, M, R1, or R2 for all computers on the network. You can have other computers on the network as SUPPORT stations (indicated by a "+").<br>
<br>If you do this properly, the last column of the Cabrillo file will contain 0s and 1s to indicate which station made each QSO. Setting the station <i>name</i> to STN1 and STN2 or similar in the contest configuration window is <i>not</i> sufficient since this has no effect on the Cabrillo file, and the log checking software does not "figure it out automatically" for you.<br>
<br>At any time you can use the Tools | Check log feature to indentify QSY or Mult station violations.<br><br>Please remind all members of your Multi-ops about this.<br><br>For this and other important multi-op considerations, pleaes read through the links at <br>
<br><a href=""></a><br><br>and<br><br><a href=""></a><br>
<br>GL in the contest.<br><br>73,<br>Bob, N6TV<br>