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<font face="Verdana">Hi<br>
one of my notebooks had some hangs while the contest was running. After
some I realized <br>
that the hangs occur only when I enter the "DL" prefix. The problem can
be reproduced.<br>
Entering the Prefix DL... leads to a hang of about 25 seconds. Then the
program is working<br>
as usual.<br>
A downgrade to WinTest 3.21 did not help. An upgrade of the MicroHam
router and also<br>
an update of the CW-Keyer firmware did not help.<br>
I first thought of a timeout, that WinTest was searching for something
that was not installed right<br>
maybe a german DOK, but the problem did occur only with "DL" not with
DF, DK ....<br>
Does someone have an idea what could cause such hangs???<br>
73 de<br>
Wolfgang DK9VZ-DR4A<br>