Looks like Olivier and Laurent have been quietly adding some new features and bug fixes in the development version of Win-Test. Thanks guys!<br><br>Download <a href="http://download.win-test.com/nightly/wt_dev.zip">http://download.win-test.com/nightly/wt_dev.zip</a> and have a look at Release.txt. I listed a few highlights at the end of this note.<br>
Would it be possible as a convenience to have Release.txt updated and listed as a separate file in
the "Nightly" directory? In other words, wouldn't it be nice if we could
just bookmark<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"><a href="http://download.win-test.com/nightly/Release.txt">http://download.win-test.com/nightly/Release.txt</a><br>
to view the latest development updates? Today we have to download the
1.1 MB zip file and unzip it to see the latest release notes, which for some users can be a very slow process.<br>
3.20.0-dev (a partial list -- there are many more):<br><br>- Bugfix: Black Bandmap with FT-847/FT-897.<br><br>- Added a "CSV Export" option in the Automatic Backup.<br><br>- New report in Tools / Check log menu to display all distinct<br>
callsigns of a log, and band(s)/mode(s) worked by each station.<br><br>- Keyboard switching for international teams with different keyboards.<br><br>- Rate wnd (Alt-R) : By default for new logs, the calculated offtime<br>
is now based on the contest rule.<br><br>- Interface : New option in the MK/MKII/MK2 setting dialog to check<br> if the Microham router software is running.<br><br>- Interfaces : When a COM port can't be opened, you now have the<br>
possibility to retry opening, to continue with this port closed for<br> this session only, or to disable it permanently.<br><br>- Packet parser modified to comply with the CWSkimmer telnet<br> pseudo-cluster syntax (the # char is now accepted).<br>
<br>- Bugfix : Task #192. CheckPartial (F8) and N+1 (F12) wnds : Dupes<br> display failed when callsigns were entered in the secondary<br> radio wnd.<br><br>73,<br>Bob, N6TV<br>