N6BV wrote:<br>><br>> Are you using the same *port number *and *Broadcast address *in *both<br>> *wtDxTelnet<br>> and Win-Test? See <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/DX_Cluster/Telnet" target="_blank">
http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/DX_Cluster/Telnet</a> for an<br>> example. I suppose the telnet settings should not effect the TNC settings?<br>> (I tried various combinations with little luck.....<br><br><br>Yes sure, Packet via telnet is working w/o problems........I am just testing
<br>out the TNC packet as written here (<br><a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/DX_Cluster/Packet" target="_blank">http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/DX_Cluster/Packet</a>
) and I can not keep it<br>going....<br><br>2. To change SCP database in win-test. I read about the formats here (<br>> > <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Check_Partial_and_Np1_Files" target="_blank">
http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Check_Partial_and_Np1_Files</a>) however when<br>> I<br>> > download, rename master.scp from K5ZD homepage the program still forces<br>> > HF.dtb instead of using the database which I renamed and put into the
<br>> > win-test folder. I tried to check which file the SW is using and when<br>> you right click on N+1 window I could only see hf.dtb to be used by the<br>> SW...........<br><br>N6BV wrote<br>><br>> To what name did you rename
master.scp? The file name must match the<br>> contest type, e.g. STEW_PERRY.SCP, NAQP.SCP, etc. See the file names list<br>> at<br>> the bottom of the referenced page. ARRL_RTTY_ROUNDUP.SCP isn't listed<br>
> since<br>> they just added support for this contest in the development version (may<br>> not<br>> work yet, haven't tried it).<br><br><br>I rename it to the contest name according to<br><a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Check_Partial_and_Np1_Files" target="_blank">
http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Check_Partial_and_Np1_Files</a>, and try w or w/o<br>default hf.dtb and it did not work. I was testing configuration of cq ww<br>160m and I used (CQWW_160.scp).<br><br>Does this work for you?
<br><br>Cheers, Ted<br>s51ta<br><br>