CT_WT_MOD.DAT worked very well for me in CQ WW CW. <br><br>I did note a few wrong guesses:<br><br>UA0Z = 19, not 23<br>BD9B = 24, not 23<br><br>There may be a few more.<br><br><a href="http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/wazlist.html">
http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/wazlist.html</a> is a pretty good reference I think.<br><br>I assume you don't want us to use <a href="http://bugs.win-test.com">http://bugs.win-test.com</a> to report errors in ct_wt_mod.dat, so what is the procedure we should use when we find something wrong in there?
<br><br>73,<br>Bob, N6TV<br>