Hello All,<br><br>It's coming down to the wire for the big contest season.<br><br>I've been working for a while to secure a dedicated web server for the getscores site. The old location was on a shared server, and during the big events, results pages would not update quickly.
<br><br>Thanks to the generosity of David Kopacz, KY1V/6Y1V, CTO of ASPwebhosting.com, I've been provided a dedicated server with lots of bandwidth.<br><br>I've also been listening to lots of feedback from fellow contesters, and I've added some features you'll find interesting.
<br clear="all"><br>There is now a view called "Just Scores", which will give just basic QSO and Mult info -- nothing else. For those purists who like a small window.<br><br>Thanks to the availability of CQWW Log data online, I now have a "Compare Rates" page. There, you can look at your (or any other station's rate breakdown for CQWW CW/SSB 2006, or your rate breakdown for the current contest.)
<br><br>So, you can watch rates for you and your favorite "battle mate" during a contest, or, you can battle against your previous rates. Check it out.<br><br>The way posting is set up now is that if you post to a particular contest BEFORE the contest period, it will show up on the page as posted to the "TESTING-ONLY" contest. If you make it to the output, all is well with your posting program. Once the actual contest
<br>period starts, it will be logged to the appropriate contest.<br><br>The posting URL is <a href="http://www.getscores.org/postscore.aspx">http://www.getscores.org/postscore.aspx</a>. Please update your "Updating" programs as necessary.
<br><br>I'm on my way to Jamaica to be part of the 6Y1V team for WW SSB... Hope to see you all,...<br><br>73, Gerry, W1VE/6Y6C<br><br>