Did anyone else lose their Notes file in WAE or is it just me?<br><br>I made some notes with [Alt-N] during the WAE contest. All notes seem to be gone. The file is just not there. I never had any trouble creating Notes files before, with other contest types.
<br><br>This problem is easy to for me to reproduce, but only on the one PC in the shack: Windows 2000, with CAT connected, with wtDxTelnet automatically connecting, and HamCAP installed and configured.<br><br>The other PC (Windows XP, without CAT, or any of the other extras), has no problems creating notes files.
<br><br>Maybe there is some limit on the number of open files that I am hitting?<br><br>Here's what I do:<br><ol><li>WT 3.15 under Windows 2000<br></li><li>File, New, Name: WAETEMP, Type: WAE DX Contest<br></li><li>
Choose a U.S. operating location:</li><ul><li>Locator: CM97CF; DXCC Prefix: W; WAZ Zone: 3; ITU Zone: 6; State: CA (this may not matter)</li></ul><li>HamCAP and wtDxTelnet are configured, connecting to the DXSpider cluster automatically.
<br></li><li>Press [Alt-N]</li><li>Type some text, press [Enter]</li><li>Press [Alt-N] again, enter some more text, this time click the [Write] button</li><li>QUIT</li><li>Bug: WAETEMP.NOT is not created. All notes seem to be permanently lost.
<br></li></ol>73,<br>Bob, N6TV<br>