First, Win-Test 3.14 worked just great for me in the NAQP CW this weekend. Good work guys!<br><br>I only ran into one annoying bug, and it has been around for a while, based on reports I've seen here.<br><br>If you enable, SMARTCORRECT (Options, CW, Correction, Smart correction), sometimes when you press [+], Win-Test sends some strange garbage before it sends "TU". It's as if the $CORRECT variable isn't cleared, or a flag that indicates when $CORRECT needs to be sent isn't getting cleared, in certain circumstances.
<br><br>I haven't figured exactly out how to reproduce it, but here is one scenario that may provide a clue to the developers:<br><ol><li>Create a new WAE log (contest doesn't really matter)</li><li>Enter SOUND in the callsign field and press [Enter]
<br></li><li>Enter SMARTCORRECT in the callsign field and press [Enter]<br></li><li>Press Shift-[+]. Verify the message is set to $CORRECT ++TU-- $MYCALL $CR. Close the window.<br></li><li>Enter F5MZM and press [Insert]. Win-Test sends "F5MZM 5NN 1"
<br></li><li>Change the callsign to F5MZN, enter a QSO number received, and press [+]</li><li>Win-Test sends "MZN TU ..." and logs the QSO (OK, good)</li><li>Enter NOSOUND in the callsign field and press [Enter]
</li><li>Enter SOUND in the callsign field and press [Enter]. Note that the callsign field is empty now.<br></li><li>Press [+]<br></li><li>Bug: Win-Test sends "SOUND TU ..." :-)</li></ol>I think the "send the correction" flag should have been cleared at this point, so that this can never happen.
<br><br>Similarly, when using SMARTCORRECT, sometimes you want to send a complete callsign to the station just worked, instead of a partial one, to make it really clear that you have his full callsign correct. So, the natural thing to do is to press [F5] and [+], but this doesn't work as expected when SMARTCORRECT enabled:
<br><ol><li>Enter HS0/IK4MRS in the callsign field and press [Insert]</li><li>Change the callsign to HS0/IK4MRH, enter a QSO number received, and press [F5] and [+]</li><li>Bug: Win-Test sends "HS0/IK4MRH /IK4MRH TU ..."
</li></ol>-or-<br><ol><li>Enter HS0/IK4MRS in the callsign field and press [Insert]</li><li>Change the callsign to HS0/IK4MRH, and enter a QSO number received</li><li>Press [Insert] to resend the full call, but press [Escape] and [+] immediately after the lat letter of the call is resent.
</li><li>Bug: Win-Test sends "HS0/IK4MRH /IK4MRH TU ..."</li></ol>
The "send correction" flag needs to be cleared whenever $LOGGEDCALL is resent, either via [F5] or [Insert], unless the call was changed after $LOGGEDCALL was sent.<br><br>73,<br>Bob, N6TV<br>