Steps to reproduce:<br><ol><li>WT 3.11 (perhaps other versions too)<br></li><li>CW mode<br></li><li>Press Alt-V</li><li>Set the speed to 33 WPM</li><li>Press OK<br></li><li>Press Alt-R if necessary to display your CW speed in the rate window ("CW 33 WPM" - OK)
<br></li><li>Press Alt-F9 to decrease CW speed by 2 WPM<br></li><li>Bug: CW speed gets set to 32 WPM instead of 31 WPM<br></li><li>Press Alt-F10. Speed gets set to 34 WPM. The only way to get back to 33 WPM is to press Alt-V and re-enter.
</li></ol>73,<br>Bob, N6TV