OK, the "?" key (F7)will be better for sending reference no for this contest.<br>
Waiting for next version:)<br>
--- Orjinal mesaj ---<br>
From: Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <f6fvy@free.fr><br>
To: <support@win-test.com><br>
Cc: <br>
Sent: Tue May 29 14:47:55 EEST 2007<br>
Subject: Re: [WT-support] entering an IOTA reference number<br>
Hi Ozer<br>
Ozer Oksuz,TA2RC a écrit :<br>
> How can I enter an IOTA reference number to log configuration?After <br>
> entering the number to box ,still I can send only serial number.<br>
Just enter your IOTA reference in the Exchange input field (contest <br>
configuration dialog), with no hyphen (ex. AS001 or EU014 etc.). It will <br>
be used for the Cabrillo output file.<br>
To send this reference in CW, just add the $ZONE variable in the <br>
messages you need.<br>
A next version will do it for you automatically. Promised. ;-)<br>
Larry - F6FVY<br>
Support mailing list<br>
<p>?zer ?ks?z,TA2RC,YM0T