Hello all<br>
Try with a rigblaster plus.You will surprised!Wintest&Rigblaster plus are working very fine on CW mode.I asked this combination to mailing list but no answer.And finally found right solution in Rigblaster-plus box:)<br>
Ozer,TA2RC <br>
--- Orjinal mesaj ---<br>
From: K5MR <taylor@texoma.net><br>
To: <taylor@texoma.net>, 'G3BJ - EZMaster support' <ezmaster@btinternet.com>, 'HRS I4UFH' <i4ufh@hamradiosolutions.com>, <staylor@photronics.com><br>
Cc: <support@win-test.com><br>
Sent: Tue Apr 10 04:31:01 EEST 2007<br>
Subject: [WT-support] RE: WinKey not working<br>
I need help. I have tried everything I can think of and I cannot get the<br>
internal keyer in EZM to work. The unit is not useable like this. The only<br>
other solution is to hook up separate keyers to each radio, but doing that<br>
defeats the purpose of having a two radio controller. Not a good solution!<br>
I have not heard from you in a week and I have been asking for help for<br>
almost a month. Is there anyone else at Ham Radio Solutions who can help me<br>
fix this problem? I really need to get this working so I move on to other<br>
projects before the WPX CW contest begins.<br>
_____ <br>
From: K5MR [mailto:taylor@texoma.net] <br>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 10:18 PM<br>
To: 'G3BJ - EZMaster support'; 'HRS I4UFH'; 'staylor@photronics.com'<br>
Cc: 'support@win-test.com'<br>
Subject: RE: WinKey not working<br>
Don and Fabio,<br>
I did some more testing on the EZM WinKey problem. Whenever WinKey is<br>
enabled in WinTest the following occurs:<br>
The dits work fine.<br>
As soon as a dah is generated from the keyboard function keys (F1-F7), the<br>
external paddle, or the keyboard (while in Keyboard mode) the transmitter<br>
goes key down and the PTT line locks up. The only way to stop the<br>
transmitter from keying is to press the ESC key multiple times. This only<br>
occurs on the dah side. The dits work okay from the F1-F7 keys, the<br>
external paddle and the keyboard while in Keyboard mode. This problem<br>
occurs when the manual keyer paddle is plugged into the EZM and also<br>
whenever the keyer paddle is unplugged from EZM. There is no difference if<br>
the paddle is plugged in or not.<br>
Any ideas why the dah side of WinKey does not work? Could this be a serial<br>
port issue? <br>
Steve - K5MR<br>
_____ <br>
From: K5MR [mailto:taylor@texoma.net] <br>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 1:55 PM<br>
To: 'G3BJ - EZMaster support'; 'HRS I4UFH'<br>
Subject: RE: WinKey not working<br>
Hi Don,<br>
Thanks for the suggestion. I noticed the same thing about the cw key plug<br>
previously, but I just checked it again to be sure that is not the cause of<br>
my problem. Unfortunately this makes no difference. In fact, even if I<br>
unplug the cw key EZM still locks up as soon as WinKey in enabled in<br>
WinTest. So, the problem does not appear to be associated with the cw key,<br>
cw key cable or plug.<br>
I tried using another USB port on the same computer with a different virtual<br>
COM port but this made no difference. I also installed the EZM software on<br>
another computer and tried running EZM on a different PC - WinKey still did<br>
not work.<br>
I am asking Fabio for assistance now since you and I have exhausted all<br>
known possibilities.<br>
Thanks again and 73,<br>
Steve - K5MR<br>
_____ <br>
From: G3BJ - EZMaster support [mailto:ezmaster@btinternet.com] <br>
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 5:16 PM<br>
To: taylor@texoma.net; 'HRS I4UFH'<br>
Subject: Re: WinKey not working<br>
There is just one thought I have had.<br>
When I first got my EZM, I found that the cw key jack did not seat into the<br>
socket properly. Could you just check that the shoulder of the plug is not<br>
fouling the case back panel. I'm sure you will have checked this, but just<br>
in case.....<br>
For the rest, I'll leave it to you and Fabio.<br>
Don, G3BJ<br>
----- Original Message ----- <br>
From: K5MR <mailto:taylor@texoma.net> <br>
To: 'HRS <mailto:i4ufh@hamradiosolutions.com> I4UFH' ; 'G3BJ - EZMaster<br>
support' <mailto:ezmaster@btinternet.com> <br>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 5:29 AM<br>
Subject: RE: WinKey not working<br>
Hi Fabio,<br>
Hope you had a good contest from D4. I was only part time 40m single band,<br>
but condx sounded pretty good from this end. Tried out EZM and WinTest and<br>
both worked very well during WPX Phone. <br>
Here is a summary of my EZM WinKey problem. I am using EZM with WinTest<br>
V3.10.0 and a FT1000MP and IC-765. My PC is a 2.6 GHz Pentium 4 and is<br>
dedicated to contesting. The only software loaded is Windows XP, Internet<br>
Explorer and WinTest.<br>
WinKey Not Working<br>
Everything is working okay except for the WinKey keyer. Both radio<br>
interfaces are working and my virtual Com port works well. Below is a<br>
description of the WinKey symptoms:<br>
I can see the CW speed indication in the WinTest Rate window and it changes<br>
as the pot on the EZM front panel is turned, but no CW is generated when I<br>
close the keyer paddle. (Actually, I can get a continuous string of dits<br>
when the dit side of the paddle is closed but then it goes key down and<br>
locks up the PTT line. I have to press ESC many times or push the foot<br>
switch several times to make the PTT unlock.) Whenever I press the dah side<br>
of the paddle EZM immediately generates a continuous carrier (key down)<br>
which is hard to stop and never generates any dahs. <br>
Whenever I select WinKey under EZ Master Configuration (properties) the<br>
WinTest F1 - F7 CW function keys stop working. When I turn off WinKey in EZ<br>
Master properties the F1 - F7 CW messages and PTT work perfectly. WinKey<br>
does not work if WinTest is running or not.<br>
Also, I do not have an OFF/ON button inside the WinKey frame in EZ Manager.<br>
I can see the WPM indicator, but that is the only thing appearing inside the<br>
WinKey frame no matter if CW or SSB is selected. I am not sure if this is a<br>
problem or not. My EZM has firmware V 1.40. I backed up to V1.37 but that<br>
made no difference.<br>
Not sure where to look next. Can you offer any ideas?<br>
Thanks and 73,<br>
Steve - K5MR<br>
_____ <br>
From: HRS I4UFH [mailto:i4ufh@hamradiosolutions.com] <br>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 4:08 PM<br>
To: G3BJ - EZMaster support; taylor@texoma.net<br>
Subject: Re: WinKey not working<br>
Hi Guys,<br>
back from a long 2 weeks trip to D4 for WPX and bussines in EU, I got your<br>
email now, I didi't get previous email, can you please detail again the<br>
issue ??<br>
Thank's and apologies for delay, mo email access in the last 10 days !!<br>
73 de Fabio I4UFH<br>
----- Original Message ----- <br>
From: G3BJ - <mailto:ezmaster@btinternet.com> EZMaster support <br>
To: taylor@texoma.net <br>
Cc: I4UFH <mailto:i4ufh@hamradiosolutions.com> <br>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 11:02 PM<br>
Subject: Re: WinKey not working<br>
I think you must have a faulty unit.<br>
I have tried to get an response from Fabio, but he seems unavaulable at the<br>
moment. I'm copying this to him.<br>
----- Original Message ----- <br>
From: K5MR <mailto:taylor@texoma.net> <br>
To: 'Taylor, <mailto:staylor@photronics.com> Steve' ; 'G3BJ - EZMaster<br>
support' <mailto:ezmaster@btinternet.com> <br>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 5:27 AM<br>
Subject: WinKey not working<br>
I received a new K12 WInKey IC from K1EL and installed it today. This did<br>
not resolve my WinKey problem. It must not be the correct WinKey IC because<br>
the CW keying stopped working entirely, so I removed the new IC and<br>
reinstalled the original WinKey chip. PTT and CW generated by WinTest are<br>
working again but not keying by WinKey from the paddle.<br>
I have run out of troubleshooting ideas. I have the exact same symptoms as<br>
described below. Is there anything else I can check? If not, can I return<br>
my EZ Master to HRS in exchange for another unit that works correctly? <br>
Steve - K5MR<br>
_____ <br>
From: Taylor, Steve [mailto:staylor@photronics.com] <br>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 8:57 AM<br>
To: G3BJ - EZMaster support<br>
Cc: taylor@texoma.net<br>
Subject: RE: WinTest and EZ Master <br>
Hi Don,<br>
Thank you very much for the info and support. I am able to get everything<br>
working within EZMaster with the exception of the WinKey keyer. Both radio<br>
interfaces are working and my virtual Com port works okay. Below is a<br>
description of the WinKey symptoms:<br>
I can see the CW speed indication in the WinTest Rate window and it changes<br>
as the pot is turned on the EZM front panel, but nothing happens when I<br>
close the keyer paddle. (Actually, I can get a continuous string of dits<br>
and then it goes key down and locks up the PTT line. I have to press ESC<br>
many times or push the foot switch several times to make the PTT unlock.)<br>
When I select WinKey under EZ Master Configuration (properties) the WinTest<br>
F1 - F7 CW function keys stop working. When I turn off WinKey in EZ Master<br>
properties the F1 - F7 CW messages and PTT work perfectly. WinKey does not<br>
work whether WinTest is running or not.<br>
Also, I do not have a OFF/ON button inside the WinKey frame in EZ Manager.<br>
I can see the WPM indicator, but that is the only thing appearing inside the<br>
WinKey frame whether either CW or SSB is selected. I am not sure if this is<br>
a problem or not.<br>
I removed the EZM top cover and am guessing IC 37 is the WinKey chip. I do<br>
not know which WinKey IC version EZM uses, but I guessed it is the K1EL K12<br>
Keyer and have ordered a replacement K12 IC from K1EL. I do not know if<br>
this is the problem with my WinKey, but I do not know what else to try at<br>
the moment. My EZM has firmware V 1.40. I backed up to V1.37 but that made<br>
no difference.<br>
Can you please confirm if IC 37 is indeed the WinKey chip and tell me which<br>
WinKey IC version EZMaster uses? If replacement of the WinKey IC does not<br>
resolve the problem do you have any other suggestions to try?<br>
Thank very much and 73,<br>
Steve - K5MR<br>
_____ <br>
From: G3BJ - EZMaster support [mailto:ezmaster@btinternet.com] <br>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 4:47 AM<br>
To: Taylor, Steve<br>
Subject: Re: WinTest and EZ Master <br>
Apologies for the delay in the reply - I have been very busy with other<br>
I am simply a first-line support resource to Fabio, but let me try and help.<br>
1) Install all the EZM driver software, and test bed software (EZ Console<br>
and EZ Manager) on your computer<br>
2) Connect EZM to your computer by USB cable and also connect all the<br>
rig-EZM cables (see manual).<br>
3) Once the computer has recognised the EZM, go to "Control Panel - Systems<br>
- Hardware - Device Manager" and find out what the designation of the com<br>
port is assigned to EZM - COM1, 2 etc <br>
4) Go to EZ Console, and try to open EZM using the comport number from (3)<br>
5) If this opens OK, close EZ Console.<br>
6) Open Wintest, and set up your contest.<br>
7) On Options select configure interfaces<br>
8) Check the Comport box that has EZM attached, and select EZM from the<br>
drop-down menu<br>
9) On options select EZmaster configuration<br>
10) Enter the rig data and keying speend for the CAT(s), enable WinKey and<br>
polling - click OK<br>
11) Check that the rig(s) are polling and the frequency data is on the<br>
WinTest screen<br>
12) This should now enable the whole thing. If you have a problem, please<br>
let me know what is not working.<br>
BTW, I have had problems with EZM when there were already drivers loaded for<br>
USB:COM ports. If you have previously loaded some drivers for this, it would<br>
be safer to uninstall them.<br>
Don, G3BJ (and G5W in contests)<br>
----- Original Message ----- <br>
From: Taylor, <mailto:staylor@photronics.com> Steve <br>
To: ezmaster@btinternet.com <br>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 8:11 PM<br>
Subject: WinTest and EZ Master <br>
I am setting up EZ Master to operate with WinTest. Can you provide<br>
configuration instructions and wiring info for using EZ Master with WinTest?<br>
I did not find this info in the User Manual.<br>
Thanks and 73,<br>
Steve - K5MR<br>
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<p>Özer Öksüz,TA2RC,YM0T