<font size=3>Hi,<br><br>
About a week ago I described a problem using Win-Test 3.7.0 with my<br>
Yaesu FT1000. Win-Test does not log the correct frequency of a
station nor does it place it at the right frequency in the Band Map
though the actual frequency of the radio is correctly shown at the
of the Band Map.<br><br>
I have some additional information that may help in figuring out what
problem could be. I downloaded an older version of Win-Test
from the Website and installed it into a separate directory.
Win-Test 2.32.1 everything works as expected. The correct
are logged and the calls appear in the right places in the Band
In addition when again using version 3.7.0, I found that Win-Test does
recognize that the FT1000 has been put into "split" mode.
As an experiment <br>
I also tried to see what happened when I set up the radio as an FT990 in
configuration menu. I think the CAT interface for the FT990
is similar to that<br>
of the 1000. To my surprise frequencies were now all logged
correctly and<br>
calls were listed properly in the Band Map. The only problem that
remained <br>
was that the second VFO's frequency was not read at all.<br><br>
I hope this provides some further clues as to what is going on.<br><br>
73 Pete - N8TR<br><br>