Hi, you WinTest fans,<br><br>Just to inform you that during this CQWW CW contest, i used my old Compaq Armada laptop running W98 and 80 Mbyte RAM. (yes, 80 Mb)<br><br>I used WT 3.6.1with internal CW keying via Com port, no transceiver control nor packet or so. I have no USB...
<br><br>In spite of this small computer, i did not have a single glitch during all contest, and i finished with close to 4400 qso ! No noticeable performance deteroration, no bad CW keying.<br>I would not try this with any other contest software !
<br><br>Ony small problem i noticed, when you are on the empty logging line, and hit the + key, WT sends some strange signs, ( often 9 ) before the ++TU-- callisgn.<br>Back home, i could not reproduce this after restarting the computer..
<br><br>Hats off Olivier and Laurent !!<br><br>73, Patrick<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Patrick Egloff - TK5EP<br>email : <a href="mailto:pegloff@gmail.com" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
pegloff@gmail.com</a><br>Fax : +33 826 698 954<br>Web page : <a href="http://tk5ep.free.fr" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">