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<font size="-1"><font face="Verdana">hi guys ...<br>
CAT works again .. sorry, was a hardware problem (blown smd-fuse for
cat-interface on FT-857D circuit board) .. never had such a stupid
thing before ......<br>
but still up-to-date: proposal with transverter offset for VHF and up ..<br>
73, gl es cu in RDXC<br>
ulf dk5tx<br>
CAT problem was a hardware problem. blown smd-fuse on the FT-857D
circuit board 13.8V output for cat-interface) .. fixed, all is working
fine again ..<br>
ulf schneider wrote:
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<font size="-1"><font face="Verdana">hi folks ...<br>
used win-test in german V/UHF contest last weekend .. worked perfect
(except CAT), i love that locator-map with all spotted qso's. i have
tried several contest-logs for V/UHF contest during the last 10 years
and i must say: win-test is even on V/U/SHF the best one ..<br>
one bug (?): version 2.28 has problems with yaesu FT-857D CAT interface
(or the FT-857D with WT?) .. the radio understands all commands from
win-test .. but win-test does not recognize any actions on the radio
(band change, QSY, mode change etc) ..<br>
config in WT --> 38400 bps, 8N2<br>
config in FT-857D menu --> interface: CAT, CAT rate: 38400 bps<br>
(no changes with 9600 bps, 4800 bps on both sides) ... switched COM
port in winXP to 38400 8N2, no flow control .. nothing changed.<br>
any hints?<br>
</font></font><font size="-1"><font face="Verdana">one question: is
possible to add a "transverter offset" for the CAT interface?? the
reason is the following:<br>
</font></font><font size="-1"><font face="Verdana">i use a hf radio
with transverter for VHF/UHF/SHF.. </font></font><font size="-1"><font
face="Verdana">dx-cluster says "dx on 1296.250" .. the IF is 28 MHz
for example .. if i want the
radio to switch on that QRG with a double-click nothing happens of
course ... so it would be perfect if i can add an offset of 1268 MHz
(1296 - 28 = 1268) so that my radio can understand what i want ;-)<br>
</font></font><font size="-1"><font face="Verdana"><br>
73 ulf dk5tx</font></font><br>