[WT-support] CW and KX3 script keying

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Sat Dec 16 18:53:18 CET 2023

Hi Luc,

The KX3 scripts use the radio's built-in CW features to transmit CW from
ASCII input strings that the scripts send to the rig.  The scripts send "KY
commands" to the KX3.  Win-Test's native CW keying features such as REPEAT
and RPTDELAY do not apply when the radio is generating CW instead of

Therefore, the Win-Test "REPEAT" command is not supported when sending CW
via the KX3 scripts.  Please use NOREPEAT to turn it off.

You can get a repeating CQ to work using the built-in features of the KX3.

   1. Store your CQ message in KX3 memory M1
   2. Set KX3 MENU:MSG RPT to 2 or 3 seconds
   3. Activate repeating CQ by pressing *Ctrl+Shift+F1* (or holding down M1
   on the KX3).  This will play the CW memory stored in KX3 memory M1 every 2
   or 3 seconds
   4. Press Escape to cancel the repeating CQ

You will not see "REPEAT" displayed in the Alt+R (Rate) window, because the
KX3 is generating the repeats, not Win-Test.

Repeating CW will not stop automatically when you type a callsign because
there is no way for a script to detect typing and send an "RX;" command to
the KX3.

For a better CW experience when using a KX3, I recommend purchasing a USB
keying device such as an S-BOX-USB or this FTDI keying cable (avoid the
other one they sell).


Then you can use Win-Test to key CW via DTR.

Bob, N6TV

On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 1:36 AM Favre <luc-favre at orange.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> I try to key my KX3 via the cat connexion with the N6TX-scripts.
> All OK, but a few issues :
> 1. Depressing ESCAPE stops the current CQ but don't desactivate the
> CQ-REPEAT. To do this, you need depress ESCAPE a second time. Annoying !
> 2. During a CQ, writing a call in the callsigne field does not stops
> CQ-ing.
> Any ideas ?
> 73 Luc F6HJO/HB9ABB
> --
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