[WT-support] WT RTTY (radio 1) window width - font size

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Mon Mar 2 20:48:47 CET 2009

I recently had an opportunity to discuss with a very well 
known and
experienced European contester who won several CQWW (with or 
WT), and he told me that (in his opinion) all needed 
features to win a
contest were yet included in Win-Test and future additions 
can be today
considered as unnecessary ;-)  Nevertheless some additions, 
like the
rotors control, will be included someday for sure because it 
frees time
and keep the op. focused on the pile-up.>>>

I think very few larger stations use automatic rotor 
controls. By the time rotors turn it is too late unless you 
are waiting to call someone that cannot hear you very well, 
in which case you have all the time in the world to manually 
turn a rotor. If stations are calling and the rotor would 
turn with every callsign, the rotor would wear out in no 
time! If you barely change the direction, then the fact you 
might have to poke a button one in a while is no big deal.

Most larger stations won't have many rotors and would not 
want antennas with rotors to turn automatically very often. 
Our goal is to not have any antenna rotors at all. Right now 
we have only two, one on a tower that takes two minutes to 
turn stop-to-stop, and another on a small multiplier antenna 
for 40-10. Neither one would be automatically turned. The 
most simple interface to use outside the software is an 
automatic rotor controller, so it is not a show stopper for 

I assume from your response the CW interfaces will likely 
not be upgraded to work properly or completely in all 
functions, and everything else will pretty much stay the way 
it is including two radio on the same band operations or 
improved RTTY operation. Is this correct? This is really 
what I need to know for our future plans.

73 Tom 

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