[WT-support] Multiplier checking principle

Marko Holmavuo marko.holmavuo at dnainternet.net
Sun Oct 23 18:05:39 CEST 2005


The info text in bottom of the log doesn't need to be perfect 
indicationg about just everything. It should just give indication that 
you are having now mult and should pay extra attention to that. Detailed 
information can be available in other windows. I suggest to take a look 
in N6TR to how this info text has been implemented, propably it can give 
some ideas for better implementation.

I am not saying that those other windows should be removed. They have to 
be there, but you have to had one place, where to get good indication 
what to look in other windows, propably just New Mult is not enough 
IMHO. Now the bottom line doesn't give enough information for efficient 
usage of other windows.

Imagine situation: You are running 250q/h, your eyes are focused in new 
entry line where you spell the calls. Now everytime you write new 
callsign, you have to move your eyes and start to check if that qso is 
new mult in some other band, and if so, what would be the needed band. 
***I think that now the bottom line won't show any text if this qso is 
new mult in some other band***. It just shows this red text if the qso 
is new mult in ___that specific band___ where you are running at that 
moment. So propably it would be enough to extent that functionality so, 
that you can get some red-text indication when qso is new mult in some 
other band as well. After that you can find more information from other 

If the implementation could be different, after you have wrote the 
callsign in the field, and the station would be new mult in some other 
band(s), you get red text just like now including just a little bit more 

> We already are lacking space under the log lines. And in several 
> contests we would have to display this info for country *and* zone, 
> which is even worse.That's the reason (among others) why the F10 and 
> Alt-Z windows do exist.

> We can think about another way to display the needed countries and 
> zones, but it also must be compliant with the other 60 contests (or 
> so), in all categories (I mean single mode or Mixed...) supported by 
> Win-Test. Not so easy !

73 Marko OH4JFN

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