[WT-support] RSGB 21/28 Contest

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Oct 14 17:06:10 CEST 2005

Hi Don

Don Beattie a écrit :
> Is there a logging option for this contest ? Mults are DXCC plus (as 
> separate multipliers) the call areas of VE, W, VK, ZL, ZS and JA.

We will try to provide a developpement version to whom interested before 
Sunday including this contest. We can't promise anything (the remaining 
time is pretty short !), but be sure we'll do our best.

Stay tuned...

> The same mult arrangement applies also to the RSGB 7MHz contest.

I can't find any information related to this contest on the RSGB HFCC 
web site, especially on the calendar 2005 page. Is it scheduled for 2006 ?


Larry - F6FVY

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